Every major decision should begin with carefully crafting a solid strategy for the innovation and implementation phases. Having input from a skilled, unbiased third party has become the “gold standard” for the world’s most successful organizations. Our clients attribute their seamless transitions to our observations, guidance, and initiatives.
Change Management
Any organization planning to undergo significant change ̶ restructuring, downsizing, mergers, new ownership, board turnover, and other typically dreaded business occurrences ̶ can handle these imminent changes with confidence when effective planning occurs. Turn to us to help you during the planning, execution, and review phases to minimize disruption and maximize efficiency.
Succession Planning
Having confidence in the future of your company can be a struggle unless you have a well-developed succession plan in place. Many factors contribute to the complexity of your plan.
Waiting for a pressing need before you think about succession planning leads to failure. Let us help you with this critical step to maintain the success of your organization.
Many clients have turned to Professional Coaching Consultants to re-invent their management to increase profitability and decrease employee turnover. With individually tailored solutions, we did both, and we can provide the same benefits for your organization.
Marketing Initiatives & Creating Market Gravity
We’ve assisted clients in generating new marketing initiatives that have created local, regional, and national impact, bringing in new streams of revenue.
We can help you tap niche markets like young professionals, military families, mixed-martial artists and fans, and college-age consumers. Find out how we can use both contemporary and traditional media and marketing approaches to garner the results you desire.
BEST U offers one-on-one consultation, training, workshops, seminars, peer networks and other services that helps individuals get the information they need to improve their personal lives and/or start or expand their small businesses.
Our members are the vanguard of a movement that is focused on small and growing businesses (SGBs) that create economic, environmental, and social benefits. Ultimately, we seek to build sustainable prosperity in both the urban and rural communities.
The Best Business Awards are one of the highest profile awards and winning this accolade will say a lot about the quality of your organization.
Community Partners Youth Development Organization rest on the premise that young people are a respectable, concerned, powerful, yet under-utilized force in their community.
Let's talk. I offer a free initial 30-minute telephone conversation for prospective clients to see if we're a good fit.
We'll talk about your unique business situation and determine how my business-building programs can help you grow and manage your business.
Call today to schedule:
(614) 309-3273 or
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